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John Wick has something to tell you

Top 3 best villians, go: Me? Tony Soprano, Denzel in Training Day, Hannibal Lecter from the TV show (cancelled way too soon.)

f you look at the movies that we watch, the games that we play, it usually falls within certain categories. Action adventure. Sports. Fantasy. Anime. If you look at the things that we put in front of your eyes and the people that were interested in and the hobbies that we collect that shit is saying something to us.

Look, are men dying behind cubicles? I don't think so. I think that the nature of work has changed. I think that modernization and computers and the Internet have changed the way people are doing business. Cubicles are how we make money. But these things and images that are reflected into my mind are also something that I choose to put in my mind because of something inside of me. We attract what we want. We can become dads and husbands and boyfriends, but that doesn't change who we are at the core. If you look at what we watch and what we like to do, it signals our inner motherfucker.

Let's take a typical man: he likes UFC, football, John Wick, fantasy shows, drinking with friends and hiking. He prefers rap and rock music. When I read that, you can't tell me that that man doesn’t like the following things: violence, play and competition, skilled conquering, violence and conquering, being around men and enjoying conversations with men and being in nature and pushing himself physically. Music is an expression of his emotions and feelings and brings him joy.

Some of that violence seems like some dark shit. And I'll explore the dark nature of a man a different day. But look at all those things our typical man is at his nature. He seeks to dominate, something draws him to violence, he wants to explore, he wants to compete, he does have feelings and he wants to feel things and he wants joy, he wants to relax and be around men, he wants to acquire skills and he wants to enjoy nature. We got all that from the things that he was drawn to but when I look at that that seems like a man most people can identify with and a lot of women would desire. He seems like a cool motherfucker in other words.

Given that that is my nature, I don't wanna be with anyone, especially a woman, who prevents me from being those things. Fatherhood shouldn't prevent me from being those things. My work and my family should not prevent me from my real nature. But even better than that I get to explore those traits. I get to double down and work and pursue and perfect and find other traits that link up with my traits that I enjoy. Everything about you that you do and that you choose is telling you something. It's definitely communicating a message to the outside world but you're also always telling yourself something. You're telling yourself something by the city you live in. You're telling yourself something by eating pizza over tacos. Like it or not, your true nature wants out. It wants to manifest and grow, and it wants to go and dominate and be a part of the world.

Don't die behind your desk. Don't die behind TV and telephone screens. But even more than that, don't die behind other people and never die behind a woman. So often I see slump -shouldered men in scrubby clothes with ashen faces pushing grocery carts and corraling kids, being escorted around in their lives by fairly decent-looking women. But that woman is ruling the roost. She is the king and the queen and he is the court. He may not be able to dominate at work, he may not be able to dominate when a police officer has pulled him over in a car. But everywhere else his true nature has been screaming at him that these are my core traits and they need to come out!

You don't have to go and punch somebody in the face because you have a violent nature, but you could take up Taekwondo or self-defense or even just buy a punching bag. Those of you that love guns you might need to go to the range on a weekly basis. Don't ask no permission for your "man time" or "me time" with your girl. That's relationship time. A better me gets you a better 'ship, darling.

Some men need to hunt. Some men need to fish and be still and be in tune with nature. But so often women saddle us with their agenda and their agenda is not the broadening and exploration of masculinity. So if you're not gonna do it for yourself you can never expect a woman to do it for you. You should be seeking a relationship that allows other skills of your masculinity to be explored and deepened and ingrained in your mind. You can help a woman explore her sexuality all she wants but why aren't you exploring yours? Why aren't you getting the things that you need sexually in a relationship? Your inner nature is seeking to dominate and compete and acquire skills and conquer, how much of that is coming out in the bedroom?

Questions of the day:

What other activities can you find that may tie into your true nature? If you love art, that’s your CREATIVE nature. So maybe there's something else that ties into art besides just painting, what do those activities look like? Poetry, writing, making beats? How can those skills that are your true nature make you money?

What about those shows and your favorite characters do you find in common with yourself? Why would John Wick like you? Why do you like the certain sport athletes that you do? Why do you like the UFC and boxing fighters that you do? What does that say about you?

What does your true nature look like around women? What do you need in order for your true nature to grow stronger in a relationship?

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